Why Use Builder Finders?
Dealing with Builder Finders enables you to deal with industry experts not just commission salespeople, giving you the confidence for your next project.
Why you need Builder Finders
The task of coordinating the build of a home can be exhaustive and extremely costly. You may find the build price is so far over your budget and your dream project never comes to fruition.
How will I save money?
Time and time again, we have proven to save clients a significant amount of money. Builder Finders unique tendering process has shown to save you up to 5-10%.
It's that simple
We work for you every step of the way
Developing a level of trust and respect is in our policy of openness and honesty. We gladly disclose the commission value of any project that we undertake. We will be transparent about our services, options and fees.
Choosing Builder Finders gives you the ease and assurance of finding the right builder for you. Builder Finders even organises an independent registered builder to check on any defects and faults at handover. We are there until the end with you.
Trust the experts